You are cordially invited to the event of the year
The Vampire Masquerade Ball
Sincerely, Aleese and Eaven
When Natasha Edwards receives a personal invitation to the exclusive Vampire Masquerade, it's exactly the break she's been waiting for. It's her chance to impress national news syndicates, not to mention an opportunity to do some snooping into the disappearances of several women who were last seen within the Underground sect. But the two she-vamps have other plans for her.
Aleese's infatuation with the sexy news reporter cannot be denied, and Eaven has never been one to ignore her wife's desires. The blonde beauty is perfect for their plans, and once she's inside their home, the trap is set. Natasha is easy prey. She's responsive to their touch, and sweet as honey to taste. They want nothing more than to indulge their fantasies in every way imaginable.
Natasha finds exquisite pleasure of a kind she's never experienced with the two dangerous vampires. But when she stumbles upon the truth behind the missing women, will it be too much for one small-town reporter to handle?
Content Warning: contains explicit language, graphic sex, F/F/F+ ménage, BDSM, oral sex, spanking, toy play, and voyeurism
The two women flanking Nat left her feeling fluttery with the odd combination of awareness and anxiety. The she-vamps could easily eat her whole without a trace left for the police to find, making her their fourth missing woman. And despite that niggling of fear in the back of her mind, she couldn't keep her gaze off Eaven's cleavage. Perfect globes meant to spill from one's hands and, when free of constraint, sway with every movement. A body like hers was made for seduction and sexual pleasure. Ripe and lush, to be savored and enjoyed—a hedonist's playground for delights of the flesh.
Nat swallowed and turned her attention to the other. Aleese aroused her in a different way. Graceful hand gestures accented her speech, each movement as fluid as a ballet dancer's. Agile, lithe, and confident in every breath, a study of symmetry and beauty against her partner's blatant sexual appeal. And her lips…God, her lips were incredible. Pouty and red, perfect to kiss, perfect to whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear. Nat's heart rate kicked up, and the room started a slow spin, like a carousal ride. She stumbled back from her hosts, needing space.
"I'm sorry, but I need some fresh air," she explained when they shot her questioning looks.
"Of course." Aleese took her hand and guided her toward a pair of open French doors. Outside on a small patio, a cool breeze stirred. "We can be a bit much in one great big swallow."
"I'll be okay. I've had a heavy work schedule."
Which was the truth; the last few weeks had been a madhouse at the station due to elections in the fall. A good explanation for the way her thoughts dashed this way and that. Sleep had also been hit-and-miss since she'd received the invite to the ball. The poise and professionalism she'd planned on bringing with her had evaporated the moment she'd stepped into the ballroom. Now she felt like a floundering fish out of water.
Aleese clutched her hand with both of hers, their warmth sending tingles over Nat's skin. Another thing she hadn't counted on…the attraction she had for the two vampires.
"We're delighted you could join us. The ball can be so stodgy when it's the same people year after year." Her eyelashes fluttered. "Having new blood is a real treat."
Nat found herself transfixed with the way Aleese's mouth moved. It took a moment for her to piece the sentence together.
"I appreciate the invite, though I'm curious as to why you'd want me here."
Aleese peered up, her gaze almost doting. "Eaven and I respect you as a female reporter. It's such a man's world, and you're making a name for yourself, so why wouldn't we want to meet you?" She clutched Nat's hand tighter, leaning into her arm. "So were you one of those little girls who dreamed of attending a vampire ball?"
Every young girl dreamed of doing such a thing. "Of course."
Nat felt uneasy. Perhaps it was because she stood outside, beneath a full moon, with the most beautiful vampire she'd ever met. The silvery moonlight gave the she-vamp's skin an ethereal glow. She wanted to reach out and touch Aleese's cheek to see if it were as rose petal soft as it looked.
Interview questions… Nat tried to recall the list she'd written and studied days before, but every single one failed her. Aleese tilted her head, her lips so very close…
Nat cleared her throat. "I understand you've had three women go missing from your sect." Not what she wanted to open with, but the only question making itself available in her scrambled brain.
Something glimmered across Aleese's face. An emotion Nat couldn't pin down before her coy smile returned. "I wouldn't say they've disappeared, we know exactly where they've gone."
Aleese licked her lips, her pink tongue an invitation for Nat's mind to play out vivid fantasies. Her fingers brushed up Nat's forearm, and Nat suddenly couldn't catch her breath.
"There you are," Eaven cut in, joining them on the patio. "Feeling better?"
"Yes, yes I am, thank you." Nat tried to move away from Aleese, but found herself trapped against the patio's rail.
Eaven moved close, so close their breasts touched. Nat met the she-vamp's gaze. Her eyes reflected the silvery night light, leaving them even more pale and unearthly. Nearly void of color. With no place to run, Nat could only hold her ground and hope her legs didn't fail her. Heat built within her core like an inferno as a sweet ache settled between her thighs.
Eaven looked to her wife. "They are playing our waltz, my love." She moved her attention to Nat's mouth. "Would you mind if I took the first dance with our new kitten?"
"Only if I can have the second," Aleese purred in return.
Buy Links: Beachwalk Press Amazon Barnes & Noble
Olivia is giving away an eCopy of Vampire Masquerade to one lucky winner. For a chance to win please fill out the rafflecopter below.
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Olivia Starke calls the Ozarks home. One of the most beautiful areas in the country, she loves hiking trails with her dogs, kayaking on the numerous waterways, and enjoying southern Missouri's fresh air and sunshine.
She's also 'Mom' to four dogs, a growing number of kitties that show up at her door, and four VERY spoiled horses that do little to earn their keep. Not that she'd ever hold that against them.
She's a HUGE fangirl of Doctor Who and to a lesser extent Supernatural, and has a pretty interesting love triangle (or square?) going on in her head between the Doctor and the Winchesters.
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Tour Dates: January 22nd - February 7th
This Tour is for Spotlights and Reviews
1/22 - Hawt Reads & Dirty Talk
1/22 -Tamaria Soana
1/23 - Reading, Writing and Roses
1/28 - London Scribbles
1/29 - Find Your Next Read
1/30 - The Author and The Adventurer (Review)
1/31 - Viari Rose
2/3 - Booklover Sue
2/4 - Sexy Between the Covers
2/4 - Paisley Brown
2/7 - Intriguing Reads (Review)