
We're having a sale on all of our tour packages until September 3rd EST. 

All stops includes cover art, book synopsis/blurb, buy links, short author bio with contact links.  Personalized post on Shades of Rose Marketing. All tours include a optional giveaway. 

Pink Rose
10 Stop Spotlight with Excerpt Tour- $15.00

Peach Rose 
15 Stop Spotlight with Excerpt Tour - $20.00

Black Rose 
20 Stop Spotlight with Excerpt Tour - $25.00

Red Rose
10 Stops - $17.50
Guest Posts, Author Interviews, and  Book Spotlights. (5 spotlights & 5 mixed interviews and or guest posts)

Lavender Tour

15 Stop - $22.50  
15 Stop Spotlight with Excerpt Tour

Navy Tour
15 Stop - $25.00
Guest Posts, Author Interviews, and Book Spotlights. (5-7 stops on Release Day, 8-10 stops spread out during two weeks totaling 15 stops)

Purple Rose
Multi-Author Book 10 Stop Spotlight Tour (up to 4 books) - $25.00

Gold Rose
Multi-Book 10 Stop Spotlight (up to 4 books, one Author) - $20.00

Violet Rose
Multi-book 15 Spot Tour - $30.00

Cream Rose 
Release Day Blitz - $15.00 (as many sites as we can book)
Cover art, blurb, excerpt and buy links featured on your release day. (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and publisher bookstore) Or 3 sites of your choice , plus a optional Rafflecopter Giveaway of your book.

Yellow Rose 
Book Blast (over one or two days) - $15.00 (as many sites as we can book)
Cover art, blurb, excerpt and buy links featured on your Book Blasty. (Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and publisher bookstore) Or 3 sites of your choice , plus a optional Rafflecopter Giveaway of your book.

Blue Rose 
Virtual Cover Reveal (Prior to your book tour) - $10.00
Cover, blurb, links to author's site.